A Couple Of Accurate Film Outlines To View

By Ernestine Erickson

For years now, the video store was the way to get movies. These days you can stay at home and get movies from a movie download site. Let's look at what you might find to watch using a movie download site.

The Abdication: A slow pace documentary-drama of that tells the story of Sweden's Queen Christina who leaves her thrown and converts to Catholicism. The man sent to test her loyalty to the church becomes the man she falls in love with. Peter Finch, Cyril Cusack, Paul Rogers, and Michael Dunn star. (1974 Drama-History)

Say It Isn't So: Pleasantly un-ambitious Klein falls for the new hairdresser in town Graham. They have consensual sex and then Klein discovers that Graham is his sister. It is a total flop. Cast includes Heather Graham, Chris Klein, Orlando Jones, Sally Field, Richard Jenkins, John Rothman, Brent Briscoe, and Sarah Silverman. (96 minutes, 1988)

Thunderheart: There have been a number of killings on the Sioux Indian Reservation. The FBI goes in to deal with the situation. One agent, Ray Levoi, has Sioux blood. As he investigates the case he soon realizes there is much more going on than some random killings.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Cute variance on vampire legends, with high school valley girl Swanson turning out to be "the selected one" of her generation to kill wandering vampires. Sutherland is superlative as her mentor and guide, and Reubens the prior Pee-wee Herman is fun as one of the fanged bullies. Look for Ben Affleck as a basketball player. Cast includes Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland, Paul Reubens, Rutger Hauer, Luke Perry, and Gregson Wagner. (86 minutes, 1992)

Mystery Alaska: Remote Alaskan town's hockey team is given the possibility to play the N.Y. Rangers as a publicity stunt. There is a hodgepodge cast of characters and an unavoidable big game finale. Crowe is the only one to ascend above the material. Cast includes Russell Crowe, Burt Reynolds, Hank Azaria, Mary McCormack, Lolita Davidovich, Mike Myers, and Little Richard. (118 minutes, 1999)

Jury of One: Trudging melodrama in reference to a lady who goes to shocking extremes to defend her child who is on trial for murder and rape. Gabin plays the magistrate. Cast includes Sophia Loren, Jean Gabin, Henri Garcin, Julien Bertheau, and Michel Albertini. (97 minutes, 1974)

Fantastic Four: Four people manning a scientific space experiment studying a cosmic storm are overwhelmed by the event, and exposed to cosmic radiation. The DNA is altered in their bodies, unleashing superhuman powers in all four. The fantastic four are born.

Stagecoach: One of the best American films, and a landmark in the aging of the Western. This is the film that launched John Wayne to authentic stardom. Mitchell won an Oscar as the intoxicated physician, as did the music score. Script by Dudley Nichos, from Ernest Haycox's tale "Level to Lordsburg" whose plot is comparable to Man de Maupassant's Boule de Suif. Cast includes Claire Trevor, John Wayne, Andy Devine, John Carradine, Thomas Mitchell, Tim Holt, Tom Tyer, and Jack Pennick. (96 minutes, 1939)

King Lear: This rendition of the Shakespeare catastrophe might be bulky going for the uninitiated, although the result can be a hefty and gratifying experience. Cast includes Paul Scofield, Irene Worth, Jack MacGowran, Alan Webb, Cyril Cusack, and Patrick Magee. (137 minutes, 1971)

Remember, be creative and use phrases like "Movie Sharing". Different phrases get different results. If the last one did not work try something else. Try something different, like "Watch Download Movies Online". - 30404

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