A Few Choice Cinematic Film Write Ups

By Rafael Morrow

We have reviews of some movies listed below. You can find a lot of information on movie downloads sites if you do a good search. You can try to search a term like "Music Videos Downloads", if you want some more, use "Download Internet Movies" and "Download Movies Legally".

Bourder Incident: Well put together tale of the U.S. boarder patrol trying to stem the tide of the smuggling of immigrants across Texas-Mexico boundary. Cast includes Ricardo Montalban, George Murphy, Howard da Silva, and Charles McGraw. (92 minutes, 1949)

Digby the Bigest in the World: Meager comedy fantasy regarding fluid Venture X, which causes sheepdog Digby to grow to large scales. Poor visual effects, too. Cast includes Jim Dale, Spike Milligan, Milo O'Shea, Angela Douglas, and Norman Rossington. (88 minutes, 1974)

The Lost Boys: Family moves to a California town where the local adolescent clique turns out to be vampires! Smooth film aimed at adolescent spectators. Both the humor and the structuring are pretty apparent. Only genuine fireworks materialize at the end in the very last showdown. Cast includes Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Dianne Wiest, Bamard Hughes, Edward Herrmann, Kiefer Sutherland, Jami Gertz, Corey Feldman, and Jamison Newlander. (97 minutes, 1987)

Blaze of Noon: A hokey tale of Holden torn between his spouse (Baxter) and his real love, flying. Cast includes Anne Baxter, William Holden, Sonny Tufts, William Bendix, and Sterling Hayden. (91 minutes, 1987)

Days of Glory: Moving (and illuminating) fable of North African cadets who joined their French brothers in battle throughout WW2 even though they were on no account acknowledged as equals. The film is constructed on a time worn recipe of following raw initiates as they become stiffened battle Heros by concentrating on a handful of men and personalizing their tale. This film brings this forgotten chapter of history comes to lucid life. Cast includes Jamel Debbouze, Samy Naceri, Roschdy Zem, Sami Bouajila, Bernard Blancan, Mathieu Simonet, Benoit Giros, Melanie Laurent, and Antoine Chappey. (120 minutes, 2006)

Airheads: 3 metal heads with toy guns reluctantly take a music station prisoner, wishing to get play for their one and only demo tape. Not precisely the most difficult subject to satirize, although the script is weak anyway. A somewhat vigorous direction and compact running time help a tad. (91 minutes, 1994)

Seminole: Adept cast in uncommon drama in reference to sincere cavalry lieutenant Hudson trying to help Indian tribe's attempts to prevail free of white man's law. Cast includes Rock Hudson, Barbara Hale, Anthony Quinn, Richard Carlson, Hugh O'Brian, Russell Johnson, Lee Marvin, and James Best. (87 minutes, 1953)

Season of Passion: Classy research of human being relations; MIlls and Borgnine are country workers who each year makes a trip to the city for their fling with Baxter and Lansbury. Cast includes Anne Baxter, John MiIls, Angela Lansbury, Ernest Borgnine, and Janette Craig. (93 minutes, 1959)

Red Sorghum: Evocative, beautifully filmed amalgamation drama, black comedy, kid story, fable which journals a most non traditional union between a set of rural lovers throughout the 1920s. The years pass, a new years shows up, and with it materialize Japanese invaders. Cast includes Gong Li, Jiang Wen, Liu Ji, Teng Rijun, and Qian Ming. (91 minutes, 1987)

Maybe you found a new movie to watch from this list To learn more about movie download sites search "DVD Movies Downloads" or "Illegal Movie Downloads". If neither of those work use "film Online". - 30404

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