Another Guitar Lesson Learning How To Easily Learn All The Notes On The Fret Board

By Mike Jones

Mike at KillerGuitarTips again...

Today I have a great little trick that will save you endless hours of frustration. As an up and coming guitar player you are eventually going to need to learn EVERY note on the fret board of your guitar!

Don't panic!!! Before you have an absolute fit and throw your guitar on the floor as I know you will find that statement really daunting, there is a really easy way for you to learn these notes!. Against contrary belief it's not that hard when you know how.

Here's how...

There are twelve musical notes in total and we use the letters A B C D E F & G and the symbols # (sharp) or b (flat) to name them.

The most important thing to remember is that the letters are followed by a #(sharp) or b(flat) EXCEPT B and E.

To keep things simple we'll just use # for now!!

We will start will the note A played on the fifth open string as the fifth string is the start of the alphabet! Now as the open string is A then the 1st string is A# meaning the 2nd fret is B, 3rd fret C (remember there is no # after B) the 4th is C# so the fifth is D...

Now if you carry this on up the neck of the guitar remembering that there is no # after E, reaching the twelfth fret you will find yourself back at A again. From there on the whole process starts again. Try practicing this technique on every string and over time you will find that you will be able to place your finger on any note and read out that note instantly.

You are going to find this tedious and quite boring at first but know one got anywhere worthwhile without a little work. Get this cracked at you'll find it will be well worth your while later on.

I always like to over deliver so this week I would like to give you not one tip but two! This next tip is also for all you beginners out there...

So far I realise there hasn't been many tips for absolute beginners but remember my full audio/video guitar course contains a secret formula that takes the beginner through to great guitar player in the shortest possible time. S, don't panic if you feel the tips I am giving you each week are a little too much at this moment in time why not subscribe to my FREE tips and tricks by going to and I will send you a tips each week completely free of charge together with details of the release date of the course when it is ready. The course is guaranteed to get you to a great player in the shortest possible time.

So here we have another tips for beginners...

As you have probably gathered by now there are six strings on your guitar. The first being the thinest and the sixth the thickest. Now if you play the strings without holding them down then this is termed as playing the string open. All the six strings are each tuned to a note and on the guitar tuning of the strings is as follows and is called standard tuning:-

6th string is E 5th string is A 4th string is D 3rd string is G 2nd string is B 1st string is E

You must memorise the notes of these open strings as it is essential to the progress of your guitar playing in the future. You need to know these off by heart.

I do hope you are all enjoying these free tips and tricks and I will catch up with you next week



Mike - 30404

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